Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why I Should Be a King And/Or Religious Figure-Head And/Or Deity

  1. My benefits could be achieved while your still living, you wouldn't have to die to get them... or die and come back after for that matter.
  2. You would be assured of what happened after you die, you may not like it but there would be no way to change it. What you do is what you do, you can't just change that.
  3. Things would have consequences, this is much like the post above but it counts for while you still alive, like karma but you can't try equaling it out. You pay for it first and then you can try going good.
  4. Good deeds must be completely selfless, you can't do it just to get something good out of it. You won't be punished for this but you won't be rewarded either.
  5. I wouldn't perform life-saving miracles. I would perform minor miracles such as stopping cancer before it even came, people would still be independent in this way.
  6. I'm not saying there will be world peace because there will be 2 sides to both stories. Even if someone who started a war is in the wrong the bad things will happen to them, not their country.
  7. Shakespeare would be discouraged although not crushed, those who liked it could read it, those who didn't wouldn't have to.
  8. The world would be powered by hate, something much more bountiful than love you'll find.
  9. The national anthem would be The Sound Of Settling by Death Cab For Cutie.
  10. Mathematics would only teach what was practical and useful, you can learn anything else you want as a side subject.
  11. Dr. Pepper would be available world-wide, not just at certain convenience stores.
  12. Motion City Soundtrack, Modest Mouse and Death Cab For Cutie would all simultaneously be on tour year round.
  13. People would realize that Harry Potter and Twilight both suck equally.
  14. Everybody would be able to juggle.
  15. There would be one universal language and everybody would have awesome Canadian or English accents.
  16. Awesome T-Shirts would be available everywhere, not just on the internet.
  17. Everyone would have good internet *Cough* Fail Kevin Rudd *Cough* and a decent Macrosoft Computer, mixing good points of mac's with the good points of PC's.
  18. People would be sorted into gender related skin colors. Men: Green. Women: Purple. This would run transvestites out of business, also Hermaphrodites would be half purple, half green. (I have nothing against Transvestites (Each to their own) or Hermaphrodites (You get what you get))
  19. A mega book would appear and it would be perfect except every time you red it something different would happen.
  20. I would have more posts.
  21. Hair dressers would give you the hairstyle/length that you actually wanted.
    That's all for now although I probably will put some more up.
    See ya Imaginary Fan Base

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